swissconsult gmbh

T.V.T is your owner-managed one-stop store for innovation, engineering and design. We design your future with you to ensure higher customer and company value.
We will help you to direct your innovation and determine a more efficient use of resources. #futurenow #experiencesthatmatter
Innovation is a balancing act between tradition and future. We design with you a promising future to promising and consciously make use of your Origin.
There are numerous trends and hypes to innovation and design. We show you which tools will really move you forward. #fitforinnovation #tvtswiss #materialinnovation
We offer cross-industry innovation, industrial design and service solutions for your biggest challenges. #innovationchallenge #funforinnovation #designforvalue
We help you, Artificial intelligence assess and for your goals usable. #AI #KI #futurenow
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- resilience and agility -

The trend itself says nothing about how you should use it. For every trend there is a counter-trend.

Trends are guardrails, like on the highway. They are worth observing in order to design scenarios and to choose interesting aspects for your innovation.

We show you what is possible in terms of users, technologies and much more what is going on in the world to make sense of relevant developments and to make sure are not missing out of any opportunities.

With our trend overview you can profoundly decide where you want to play - and which developments you prefer to leave to others.

This is about:

  • Identification of emerging technologies and patents
  • Analysis of technologies and patents for the company's own growth
  • Scouting acceleration through proven processes and software support
  • Establishment of a specific trend radar for your organization, which your employees like to use and which is easy to use

Our current trendwatch topics concern, for example:

  • Smart materials and their application/maturity level
  • sustainability as a growth engine


"The best way to predict the future is to create it."  (Abraham Lincoln)

No one can predict the future.

A constantly changing world requires new strategies.

Without understanding processes and dependencies you cannot develop a sound strategy.

Strategic foresight is a structured and systematic wayto generate ideas about the future, to anticipate change and to better prepare for it.

Foresight enables us to scan our environment for trends and to use the findings to create images of the evolving future.

With the help of the thus drawn"Pictures of the Future"we can test current strategies, create a common understanding about the future, initiate breakthrough innovation and transformative change .

6 steps lead innovation into the future:

The goal of innovation activities is a balanced innovation portfolio that on the one hand has structure, but at the same time makes it possible to remain agile.

We help you:

  • Find gaps, create the right content and recognize relationships among ideas
  • A systematic monitoring of your business environment and its influence on your innovation
  • Manage your Innovation portfolio from innovation projects to technologies successfully
  • Your cleverer investments and track their performance
  • Coordinate your innovation activities with your corporate competencies and accordingly to maximise chances of success

"Timing is everything" (Bowen, Rostami and Steel, 2010).

Innovation needs (the right) time.

If we don't understand the importance of time to innovate, we significantly reduce our chances of success. We end up looking for quick wins with a guaranteed return on investment instead of patiently building the systems that will help us succeed in the long run.

How can one innovate purposefully and at the same time still get the timing right?

On the basis of trends and user-related changes, we develop with you plausible roadmaps, in order to explore the associated opportunities and challenges as well as to improve focus and timing of your innovation in the portfolio:

  • The timing of ideas
  • The availability timing of resources
  • The time of market entry and planned diffusion of innovation
  • The timing of a company's expansion
  • The timing for displacement of an innovation or a technology
  • The use of Herd effects with so-called opinion leaders and turning points

Disruption is on everyone's lips.

The fact is that most profits are still made in the range of routine innovations .

In terms of their innovation drive, companies need to find the right balance between technological change, intensity of competition, growth rates, entrepreneurial strengths, employee skills and market demands.

Are good ideas a coincidence? We think no.

However, it takes more than one workshop to spark lasting, breakthrough creativity.

We can help you find a culture of daily, results-oriented innovation from within and without, for

  • accelerated innovation
  • strategic agility
  • future-proof innovation
  • entrepreneurial resilience


We show you tools, which you can use to develop routine innovations or more deliberately radical ideas, such as innovation competitions .

Very few innovations today function singularly.

Rather, products and services need to have various interfaces to function compatibly within their ecosystem.

If you do not find the necessary resources for this within your organization, it is a good idea to look for external partners.

An external innovation partner could be a platform, an organization, an individual person or even a location with a shared interest in developing a solution.

So-called open innovation can bring several advantages:

  • An extension of your perspective
  • The access to new areas, resources and networks
  • The access to new technologies
  • An alternative market entry point through better product-market fit of your services
  • Risk sharing in innovation and higher economies of scale
  • A higher degree of innovation
  • image gains


For example, the following partners may be useful:

  • Established companies or start-ups
  • Crowdsourcing partners
  • Specialized consulting firms (e.g. materials research institutes)
  • Universities/Universities of applied sciences


We help you define the requirements of a suitable partner, to find the right partner and to establish a target-oriented partnership agreement.

If desired, we can also take over the management of your partnerships so you can concentrate fully on the results.

No matter whether in a workshop with your employees or as sparring partner for your board or C-level.

We support you in moving more confidently into the future, aligning your culture with change and mastering it more effortlessly.

Possible topics:

  • Alignment of your ideas and concepts to different stakeholders
  • Obtaining a 2nd Opinion for your strategy
  • Invitation of one of our employees as "court jester" to your meeting


- strategy to implementation -

Are you unsure how well prepared your organization is for the future?

You ask yourself: how innovative is my company really?

You are not the only one who wants to know where potential lies dormant.

The success of innovating companies shows that innovation is not a product of mere chance . Assessing one's own organization, where it stands, and reflecting openly is of central importance to the setting the right course for the future and putting investments in the right place.

We take a close look at your innovation strategy and implementation as well as leadership and possible barriers to imitation, your talent management, idea promotion, controlling and innovation governance in order to answer the following questions:

  • Where does the innovation process work and where may it be optimized?
  • To what extent is innovation supported by all organization members and recognized as an element to increase the value of your company?
  • Are you in comparison to your competitors an above average innovator or are there indications that changing conditions require an increase in your innovation rate?
  • Is innovation established in the mission statement of your company and also concretized in target agreements?
  • Which resources are available for your innovation? Are these sufficient to remain competitive?


Usually we start with a short survey, with structured interviews to follow. The corresponding data analysis quickly provides a picture of where you stand. 

In each case, the innovation audit is customized to your organization. 

"The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. " (Dee Hock)

Innovative companies are on average more profitable than less innovative companies.

Each strategy represents a hypothesis, which is tested against the evolving realities of markets, technologies, regulations and competitors.

Just as product designs must evolve to remain competitive, so must innovation strategies. Like the innovation process itself, an innovation strategy requires constant experimentation, learning and adaptation.

Typical triggers for changes in the innovation strategy are:

  1. Industry shifts
  2. New regulations
  3. Changes in customer behavior
  4. Social change
  5. New technologies
  6. Access to new resources
  7. Global change (e.g. economic) 


A company's innovation strategy must define how the various types of innovation fit into the business strategy and which resources should be provided for this purpose in each case.

Often today, radical, disruptive innovations in particular are seen as the key to growth, while routine innovations are seen as short-sighted at best.

This way of thinking is too simplistic. In fact, the vast majority of profits are generated by routine innovations.

We help you to determine, in relation to your business areas, where your options for action lie within the framework of routine innovation up to radical innovation.

In a strategy sprint we can usually determine a first status in order to determine further steps.

Visioningand strategy workshops quickly get you and your team on track to lay the foundation for a targeted innovation management .

Most innovations are aimed at products.

However, successful companies cover several types of innovation. It is not only the innovation in the core product that differentiates, but the trappings that count.

We set up your innovation activities in the following areas :

The idea of Innovation pipeline is a systematic approach to the generating a steady stream of actionable ideas at a time when change is accelerating.

Within the innovation pipeline ideas/projects are weighted and related to each other.Opposed to the innovation portfolio, the pipeline follows a chronological order and coordination according to the roadmap.

The myth says innovation is about the best idea.

In reality, the challenge is, to transform ideas into a value proposition that is relevant for your customer .

Most companies spend too little time looking closely at their customers' needs. Instead, they fall in love with ideas.

"Love the problem, not the solution" must be the credo if you want to develop relevant innovations.

We do not have a patent remedy for the innovation process.

But there are definitely some ingredients to increase the likelihood of success in taking ideas all the way to market. And we apply these to your organization.

The phases of an innovation, can be simplified into 4 main steps:

  1. Idea generation
  2. Evaluation and selection of ideas
  3. Derivation of concepts for the solution
  4. Implementation and marketing.

With all systematics necessary to divide an idea into clear steps and to drive it forward in a goal-oriented manner, agile elements must find a place in the process. These are to be integrated individually depending on the type of innovation, environment and organization.

We provide you with the necessary analyses and tools to increase your innovation capability and agility.

"The only way to really know innovation is to do innovation, and learn from your mistakes along the way."

Only with "what" you want to do, you don't get anywhere with innovation. There is always a need to ask "why". Each company must answer this question for itself.

One particularly interesting feature of the human brain is its ability, to rewire connections and to form new connections, regardless of age.

Neuroscientists refer to this characteristic as "plasticity". The more experiences we have and the more our behavior or environment changes, the more plastic the brain becomes. That is, the more it is able to make new connections and rewire old connections. The culture that surrounds us plays a significant role in whether our brains can be changed or remain static.

Those people who are used to and animated to always come up with new ideas are very different from those who are not. The more practice you and your organization have in making new (brain) connections, the better you all become at innovation.

Simply put, the more active you are in keeping your own brain and organization on task, the easier it is for you to come up with new and good ideas!

To decide which cultural elements you can easily incorporate - and which ones you rather leave out, we help you to find out. We hand you accessible tools to establish and keep an innovation-friendly culture top-down and bottom-up .

"What gets measured gets done" - it's a similar story with innovation.

At least a structured innovation controlling leads to the fact that one starts discovering the essences of success and learns from mistakes for the future.

Thus, good controlling significantly reduces the risk of landing a flop. Effectiveness and efficiency of innovation projects can be specifically influenced. This clarifies the questions of whether the right thing is done and, whether it is "correct" does.

Clear controlling has an effect motivating for all involved, as projects become more agile and on the basis of appropriate incentives .

Innovation controlling includes:

  • The identification of value drivers in your development
  • The establishment of transparently measurable key performance indicators (manually or software-supported)
  • The installation of short feedback loops for continuous improvement (analysis and interpretation).


For example, the following tools are used (analog or digital):

  • Scorecards
  • Strength-weakness- and portfolio analyses
  • Target Costing
  • Performance measurement and incentive systems
  • Key figures and key figure systems

Investing in sustainability means investing in innovation.

Sustainability leaders are 400 % more likely to be considered innovation leaders. That's because they work hard to address problems, invite engaged participants to contribute and learn about numerous new adjacent opportunities and technologies.

What is your goal in the area of sustainability and what is your starting point? Are you currently busy complying with regulations or ready to actively embrace sustainability?

How can you create value through sustainability and how do external stakeholders influence your value potential?

How can processes, people and structures be integrated to achieve your sustainability goal?

T.V.T swissconsult gmbh:

  • enables you, within the scope of your products and services, to operate more sustainably.
  • shows you possibilities, to set concrete sustainability goals and to make their achievement measurable
  • Helps create and communicate your own sustainability manifesto .
  • Finds your starting point for more sustainability and thus a broader user acceptance.
  • makes sustainability cool, visible, effortless and economically successful.
  • shows you technologiesthat are not only more sustainable, but also make your products and services improve qualitatively or functionally.

Our current efforts in the area of "sustainable trade" are noteworthy. You can find more about this under www.resuu.ch.

Innovation Starter" workshop

In this full-day workshop, we use numerous practical examples to provide an entertaining overview of innovation and its concepts, thus "whetting your appetite" and demonstrating the relevance of innovation for your team/organization.

Innovation Mission" / "Innovation Strategy" Workshop

Design your mission statements and the associated framework conditions. Together with us, a clearly defined path emerges that indicates where you are going and why, closely linked to your corporate vision and business strategy. We work out the following questions, among others:

  • What does innovation mean to me/us?
  • How do we innovate today and what is good or bad about it?
  • Where are there clear and current opportunities to be more innovative?
  • What are known new markets, target groups or business areas?
  • How can an innovation mission be translated into the strategic perspective.


"Analogy thinking" workshop

Analogy thinking is not about copying existing products or business models, but about identifying the factors that make a company, product or service successful in a particular context, and then applying these factors to your situation for rapid success.

Workshop "Network Thinking

Good ideas are networks: Our brain is largely made up of cells that we call "neurons". There are about 100 billion of these cells in a human brain. Interconnected, they form a nervous system capable of making decisions, perceiving the environment and giving commands to our body. How we think, what we think, and what we are capable of depends largely on the connections these neurons have made with each other. It is the same with innovation. In this workshop, you will create new connections through mutually compatible ideas to achieve better differentiation.

"How to find a great business idea" workshop

You are looking for the one great idea, but don't know how to find it? In this full-day workshop we will introduce you to the possibilities of idea generation. We will show you different methods that you can use over and over again to at least come up with better ideas.

Idea Selection Workshop

Idea selection methods differ depending on the maturity of an idea. This workshop shows you practicable methods to evaluate and select ideas according to their marketability.

Workshop "Picture of the Future

The collaboratively developed in this workshop  "picture of the future" answers the following questions, among others, in a final visualized image:

  • Where do we want to be in 5 years?
  • For what kind of customers and for which markets do we want to operate?
  • How can we develop and expand our core competencies to get where we want to go?


Innovation Communication Workshop

The success of an innovation at different stages depends not least on the way in which the innovation is communicated. From the framing of your message to the "perceived" risk reduction with the customer, we use examples to show practicable ways in which you too can actively increase success on the market and achieve quick wins through strategic communication.


"If you're not serving the customer, your job is to be serving someone who is." 

(Jan Carlzon)

User expectations are rising rapidly, driven by companies like Amazon, instant access to global information, and the blurring of boundaries between hardware, software, and services.

Companies need stronger design capabilities than ever before. Only the very best designs stand out from the crowd.

The design of products and services generates not only beautiful pictures.

Design brings the emotional connection to the user.

Design must contribute relevant experiences to generate value within the company.

The from design reflected market view is oriented to the daily routine of your user and customer, to their processes, expressed and latent needs.

Design serves to create cognitive and emotional reactions in the customer which in turn are reflected in the desired buying behavior.

Design connects people, business and technological possibilities with each other. Only if the customer feels the benefit and relevance of your products for his work, will you sell your product in a target-oriented way. Only then is your product marketable and customer-oriented.

To ensure customer focus, companies very often use market research, focus groups or concept tests. However, these are often based on historical information and are very reactive means of addressing customer needs.

In order to proactively gain insights into (upcoming) customer needs for our customers, we make use of e.g. social media screening and monitoring to find opinion leaders. After directly addressing selected opinion leaders or lead users our customer wins access to a pool of usersthat can be involved in ideation, testing and early product development.

Other means we use to capture customer needs include (excerpt):

  • Customer journey mapping, blueprinting
  • Critical incidents
  • Gap analysis (focus groups, in-depth interviews)
  • Usability analyses
  • Methods of open innovation
  • Lead user research

Only if the eser expectations are formulated and you are clear about the problem your product or service is supposed to solve, a solid briefing and thus a first concept can be developed.

Design can take on multiple roleswhich we weight individually with you and to make them measurable and actable within a scorecard.

You will become aware of what really matters to your success in terms of design.

Possible design dimensions are:

  1. User experience:Coherent design, optimized ergonomics, development of a clear product language, ensuring recognizability and conciseness as well as attractiveness of a design solution. Design communicates your value proposition to the customer and is often the first touchpoint. Seeing is believing.
  2. Cross-functional effects / technical dimension: optimal utilization of constructive possibilities, ensuring high functionality, innovativeness as well as product quality and product safety.
  3. Business leadershipConsistency with market/customer requirements and with corporate, market, product and product range policies. Consideration of cost/benefit aspects analogous to earnings/costs.
  4. Continuous improvement: Design is fundamental to growth, innovation and overall operations. We must align design with the audiences it is intended to serve. By putting users at the center and solving their challenges, we can find ingenious solutions to real problems.

A prioritizing of your design goals using appropriate metrics on the scorecard helps to develop with focus and to record the progress of your design efforts.

For the concept development you have two options.

Either you assign the ideation task to us after a jointly written briefing or you develop the concept together with us within a design-sprint. Idea generation in order - or you develop the concept in a designs sprint together with us.

The design sprint is a proven method for solving problems by designing, prototyping, and testing ideas with users.

In design sprints, teams are quickly focused on a common vision with clearly defined goals and results . Ultimately, it is a tool for the development of a hypothesis, to prototype creation and to the quick testing of an idea with as little investment as possible in as real an environment as possible.

In this fast-paced, high-intensity design sprint tailored to your needs (duration between 1 and 2 weeks), we take your team on a guided journey to identify problems after a kick-off workshop and develop initial design solutions based on your core competencies Build up.

It is essential for success that you involve team members from different areas.

The Design Sprint consists of the following phases: Understand, define, sketch, decide, prototype and validate.

Design prints are suitable when:

  • You start a new project and want to work out a common product vision want to work out.
  • If your team is deadlocked and does not get further within the scope of a product development
  • When you want to bring speed into your development and decision-making process and your budget is not big enough to award a whole design contract right away
  • When you have new findings that need to be incorporated into your product development quickly
  • When you want to strenghten the acceptance for your product solutions and reduce the risk of a market flop.

Sprints are less suitable if:

  • Your employees may not be involved and you consciously want the external view.
  • You are not very well informed about your users' needs. In this case we can help you analyze needs and wants.
  • Your product development already has a clearly defined direction and now this has to be converted into 3D.

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."  (Steve Jobs)

The first impression is the key. One speaks of the so-called "priming" effect, according to which the first impression influences all subsequent interactions.

Good design ("primed") prepares the user to your advantage and makes your work easier.

However, it would be a mistake to think of design as just another pretty product; it's about making sure that the the product is user-friendly and works effectively.

In 3-D and engineering we implement solutions so that they meet the following criteria:

  1. Competitiveness: Our engineering design aims to make your products more competitive by improving the ease of use and ergonomics, the aesthetics, the sustainability or the quality compared to competitor products. Good engineering design can improve producibility, reduce production costs and ensure that the product meets quality requirements To achieve these effects, design must be integrated early in the development process.
  2. An optimal user experience: Our engineering design aims to meet or exceed user expectations in terms of optics, runctionality or ease of use . For example, we humanize technology to make it likeable, or we make products easily adaptable to local conditions.
  3. Strengthen your brand: Design is critical to ensuring that products and services are consistent with the company's brand. Design can help send your customers a consistent message about your services by representing the brand to consumers

Depending on whether we have already been involved in ideation for you, we start with a jointly written briefing in which the goals of the product or service to be developed are clearly defined.

Check the fit of design and market early - then you are less likely to design something that no one wants.

After you know what problem you want to solve, you need to select thequickest way to the solution . Everyone knows about the value of prototypes.

We help you to build and use the four most common types of prototypes to mitigate risk and quickly validate solutions:

  • Theoretical prototypes
  • Virtual prototypes (with rendering, animation, virtual reality)
  • "Minimal functional products" ("Minimal Viable Products"): An MVP is a product with just enough features to satisfy initial customer needs and provide feedback for future product development.
  • ""Minimum Great product": The concept of "Minimum Awesome Product" MAP assumes that the user experience (UX) is as important as the main functionality.

For prototyping depending on the type, our own tools such as 3-D printers or reliable partners stay at your disposal.

In the course of our development projects, questions about possible suppliers come up again and again.

We are usually able to find you at least two suppliers. We take care of the Request for Proposal, the adaptations of the construction to various manufacturing methods, the monitoring of the tooling up to testing and zero series maturity. We respond individually to your requirements, e.g. local or global procurement.

In addition, we completely renew your sourcing strategy with the involvement of relevant stakeholders, in order to better control costs and delivery capabilities . Our supplier network offers solutions to almost all challenges of the planning, management and control thereof. an answer.

Sourcing topics may include:

  • Avoidance of dependencies
  • Achievement of savings
  • Changeover to a local procurement
  • Quality assurance
  • Procurement of special parts, –technologies or -materials

Use go-to-market strategies for your competitive advantage. Within the go-to-market strategy, we develop a concept for how customers can be offered products or services with the help of your special value proposition (unique selling proposition "USP").

Early we clarify with you:

  • Your market definition: Which markets do you want to target with the sale of the product or service?
  • Your customers: Who is the target audience in these markets?
  • Your distribution model: How do you want to get the product or service to the customer?
  • Your product message and positioning: What is being sold and what is the unique value or key differentiator from other products or services on the market?
  • Your price: How much should the product or service cost for each customer group?

In our efforts, we stringently align the value elements of your product or service with the market environment and also prepare you for changing market situations.

Virtual Reality, augmented reality, data analytics - the world of product and service design today has possibilities available that seem endless.

In this context, it is becoming an ever greater challenge to benefit from new technologies, to estimate their usefulness reliably and to bring the "right" technology to bear.

We offer you orientation, we integrate matching technologies in your portfolio and, if necessary, give you name partners who can deliver special expertise.

In addition to the digital transformation, the transformation in the area of materials has also begun.

Advanced materials and smart materials help to design more personalizable and specific services, to open up cheaper production methods, to design products adaptively or to create more sustainability.

Here, the so-called biological transformation plays a particularly important role. This transformation includes, on the one hand, bionics, which is familiar to many, but also biotechnology (for example, the use of microorganisms to produce active ingredients for drugs) and bio-intelligence (the fusion of biology and IT). It systematically searches for patterns in processes, principles and materials from nature and transfers them to innovation.

Within the so-called "application innovation" we can quickly transfer materials into new application areas. For example, a material used in aircraft construction may suddenly help to make skis lighter, but at the same time more robust.

We recognize patterns and understand the range of possible courses of actionto improve products functionally, economically and resource-specifically..

You define with us what the material or technology in question must be able to do - we supply you with a reliable analysis of what is available on the market (in the future) and the extent to which solutions are economically and functionally feasible .

Sustainable design is an approach to developing products and services that considers environmental, social, and economic impacts from the initial stages to the end of life. 

  • 80 % of a product's environmental impact is determined at the design stage.
  • 60% of U.S. consumers who shop online do not know that shipping packaging accounts for 1/3 of solid waste in the United States.
  • More than 70 countries have or are planning restrictions on plastic products.
  • The market for sustainable products is growing about 6x as fast as that for conventional products.

We have long believed that innovation and design must be viewed holistically. This includes ensuring that the design respects the needs of people and the planet.

Our 4 core beliefs:

  1. The imperative of sustainability is unbroken. Value generation must include the transformation of products, product portfolios and services in the interests of sustainability. In this respect, we see sustainability not as an obligation, but as a potential.
  2. Design-for-sustainability is the next logical step according to design-for-value. It's not about being perfect right away. It's about visible steps in the right direction. Small changes can have a big impact. Better 100% of people make progress toward sustainability than 5% make sustainability perfect. We're not perfect either - but we strive for continuous improvement.
  3. The possibilitiesto build sustainability into products and services are numerous present and their costs are falling rapidly. We can open access to opportunities.
  4. Digitization and sustainability are the basis. Regeneration is the future. In the medium term, our activities must serve not only to maintain but to improve living conditions.

No matter whether it is about the dematerialization, the decyclability or the longevity goes. We help you (re)design products within the framework of design and engineering so that they create value:

  • in the sense of a positive impact on climate and society
  • in the sense of sustainable business value
  • in the sense of the meeting your stakeholder requirements

Sustainability recognized by the customer creates brand loyalty.

Industrial Design Starter Workshop

When it comes to creating great products, design is the most important "feature". Whether you are a CEO, product manager, program manager, marketing manager or project manager. It is inevitable to understand the role of design. to understand. In this workshop we take you into the world of industrial design.

Besides a historicaloutline of design history, you receive basic knowledge in relation to the concepts of recognition, perception and actionwhich are foundational for design. You will get an overview of what design can achieve and what needs to be taken into account when defining a design strategy and in the design process so that your products are even more successful on the market.

Service Design and Servitization Starter Workshop

Service design includes the development of customer-centric services. Due to their immateriality, services require an adaptation of common design methods, which you will be introduced to in this workshop. You will also learn ways to seamlessly connect physical products with services or to dematerialize them entirely in order to open up new sources of revenue and strengthen customer loyalty. You will gain insight into tools and the service design process, along with the opportunity to outline a service design project for your own organization.

Design Thinking Workshop

Strategic Design Thinking is the ideal solution for companies to become truly customer-centric without sacrificing profitability. This workshop will introduce you and your team to the world of design thinking, by offering you inspiration from other fields, explaining the attitude of design thinking and its methods and making them ready for application in your everyday life. Thus, you can subsequently improve the customer orientation of your projects and quickly enter into"Design doing" .

We help you to find and choose the right ideas and possibilities for your company.
Together, we make innovation possible.
With us ideas make successful products and services .
With us you communicate innovation in such a way that the market understands and accepts it.
We coordinate strategic perspectives , technological opportunities and customer needs in engineering design.
We deliver innovation that turns into real customer benefit .
We put meaning in your developments.
We transfer innovation concerns reliably into real customer benefit and into profitable services .
We do not stop at industry boundaries, we realize the unthinkable and have fun in the process.



The history of T.V.T swissconsult actually began in 1971.
In his career choice, the entrepreneur Bernhard H. Tinz took a for the time unconventional route. He founded the engineering design company Tinz. DCC in Reutlingen, Germany. His daughter Teresa knew for the first time that she wanted to step in his footprints when the parental company developed numerous new products for the then S.M.H (now swatch group) in the 90s. She was taken by the colorful world of ideas and possibilities. And has not let go of them since.
Fast Forward: after her business studies, Teresa put 1+1 together in order to complete the family business . This is how in 2000 her company T.V.T swissconsult gmbh born, whose now diverse team now for over 20 years industry-independent innovation management, strategic foresight, strategy development and implementation .

Today, T.V.T swissconsult and Tinz. DCC collaborate seamlessly to provide customers a highly professional innovation experience idea generation to serial production that is second to none. As owner-managed family business we live our daily passion and clear principles:

  • We connect entrepreneurial thinking with leading serviceto remain fit for the future.
  • Our long-term and worldwide business relationships build on trust, empathy, respect, flexibility and competence .
  • All our activities are aiming at generating customer and societal benefit.
  • We see ourselves in a leader's position, whereby we complete our offering with selected Partnerships .
  • Readiness to perform, skills and the empowerment of our employees are the foundation for our corporate success.
  • We generate a sustainably good result with long-term perspective.
  • Our owner management balances history and future with each other harmoniously to activate the best possible innovation levers.
  • In responsibility towards our environment and society we strive to become a little better every day.
  • We live according to clear guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence, to innovation responsible forward.
We support our customers in target-oriented development of innovation, in linking environmental change to business opportunities as well as regarding the use of future-oriented technologies for an unforgettable customer experience.
In order to accomplish our aims comprehensively, we bring together exceptional specialists of cross-industry innovation.




The history of T.V.T swissconsult actually began in 1971.

In his career choice, the entrepreneur Bernhard H. Tinz took a for the time unconventional route. He founded the engineering design company Tinz. DCC in Reutlingen, Germany. His daughter Teresa knew for the first time that she wanted to step in his footprints when the parental company developed numerous new products for the then S.M.H (now swatch group) in the 90s. She was taken by the colorful world of ideas and possibilities. And has not let go of them since.

Fast Forward: after her business studies, Teresa thus puts 1+1 together in order to complete the family business . This is how in 2000 her company T.V.T swissconsult gmbh born, whose now diverse team now for over 20 years industry-independent innovation managementstrategic foresightstrategy development and implementation .

Today, T.V.T swissconsult and Tinz. DCC collaborate seamlessly to provide customers a highly professional innovation experience idea generation to serial production that is second to none. As owner-managed family business we live our daily passion and clear principles:

  • We connect entrepreneurial thinking with leading serviceto remain fit for the future.
  • Our long-term and worldwide business relationships build on trustempathyrespectflexibility and competence .
  • All our activities are aiming at generating customer and societal benefit.
  • We see ourselves in a leader's position, whereby we complete our offering with selected Partnerships .
  • Readiness to performskills and the empowerment of our employees are the foundation for our corporate success.
  • We generate a sustainably good result with long-term perspective.
  • Our owner management balances history and future with each other harmoniously to activate the best possible innovation levers.
  • In responsibility towards our environment and society we strive to become a little better every day.
  • We live according to clear guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence, to innovation responsible forward. 


We support our customers in target-oriented development of innovation, in linking environmental change to business opportunities as well as regarding the use of future-oriented technologies for an unforgettable customer experience.

In order to accomplish our aims comprehensively, we bring together exceptional specialists of cross-industry innovation.

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You win by working with us:

#futureisnow #heritageplusfuture
#intuitivedesign #emotion
#partofthesolution #noproblemsbutchallenges


Cornelia Wittke
Managing Director Tweezerman International LLC, USA, Beauty Tools
We were very impressed by the very talented team at T.V.T swissconsult gmbh and enjoyed the pleasant, productive collaboration.
Ciro Alliata
CEO Alpi SpA, Sanitary Industry
The collaboration with T.V.T swissconsult gmbh has undoubtedly given a good image to our Italian company. Very innovative ideas and design, often outside the norm. T.V.T is a professional company, not only in terms of design, but also in terms of know-how regarding materials and the whole cycle and process of the product. An excellent experience!
Development Manager
HVAC industry, Liechtenstein
Very creative! Forward thinking with respect to our entire product portfolio. Productively helping to shape customer structures.
Annika Strand
CEO Zone Controls AB
We chose T.V.T swissconsult gmbh to design our new product range. We received several creative and innovative proposals. T.V.T's staff grasps the requirements and delivers results very quickly. I can highly recommend them.
Anita Stebler
CEO s:stebler
T.V.T. not only supports and promotes SMEs in terms of innovation, but also moves us significantly forward in terms of quality improvement at all levels. An opportunity that SMEs in particular should not miss out on.
Andreas Bechter
nolax AG
Freely according to the motto: "Problem identified, problem formulated, problem solved!" we found a practicable and quick solution together in an efficient way. Throughout the entire duration, the cooperation was always uncomplicated and pleasant, but also always focused on the solution. T.V.T swissconsult gmbh has demonstrated a high degree of communicative competence, and the tool developed has already proven itself several times. Many thanks for this!
Mareike Tischhauser
Global Head of Seedcare institute Syngenta
Teresa Mandl's enthusiasm for innovation is contagious. Her profound knowledge in this field and her commitment to trend topics have inspired my team and allowed us to find a common language.
Sandra-Stella Triebl
Chairwoman of the Executive Board, Swiss Ladies Drive GmbH
Dr. Teresa Valerie Mandl has the remarkable ability to show people innovation as a systemic web of human creation, be it on a stage like at our Female Innovation Forum, during webinars or in columns for Ladies Drive. For years she has managed to enrich and inspire us as publishers and organizers with her knowledge.



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